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Everyone is beautiful

I have never been short of friends and never been short of friends. At school I had lots of girlfriends and everyother week I had a new boyfriend. Haha! Although I was bullied, by just a couple of boys. They were so so mean! I was never 'miss popular' and I was never the 'boffin' I was not a 'geek' I was just me. 

Thats all I have ever been, me. I'm like a jigsaw peace that doesn't quite fit, it has that extra notch on it....

I truely believe, ALL people should take ALL people for there good and bad. 

Everyone is beautiful. Everyone has flaws. Everyone is strong and everyone is weak at times. Everyone has naughty secrets and everyone lies.... Why? because we are all scared of the truth. Why? Because people dictate who and what we should be. Media, schools, exams, careers, money, even our warped view of love dictates to us. If we are not there idea of normal, we need to lie about who we are....Who are all these people we are worried about? Those who truely love you, wont be hurt or offended by who and what you are now or once were. Those who do care are not worth caring about.  We are all kind and we are all nasty sometimes. Everyone has bad bits and dark thoughts and happy thoughts. No one is just simply good or just bad.  

I have always seen the good and beauty in everyone. For some reason my positive was a huge weakness in this life. 

My mum always taught me to see the situation from the other persons point of view. Jesus told us to forgive each person 300 times. 

I believe everyone is beautiful. I believe angels are in human form. People come into our lives for a reason, even those people who are negative to us are angels. They teach and guide us. They may not stay forever, but they serve us. We must take what they teach us and grow. Some people become out guides through life, angels we learn from, talk too, live with, laugh with and love. 

Our paths are chosen for us before we start life. 

I firmly believe I was supposed to meet and have a relationship with my 2nd babys dad.... I was his angel (for reasons I will never explain) and I had to experience all of the other stuff that came with it..... don't know why, but one day I will know. 

Live, Love, Laugh 


  1. Of course you were supposed to meet him... Nothing ever happens that isn't supposed to x


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